Torremolinos has over recent years, has evolved as an attractive and appealing resort noted for its clean sandy beaches, wide choice of hotels and restaurants and unparalleled variety of entertainment, activities and nightlife available.
Torremolinos is located 7km west of Málaga airport and was the first Costa del Sol resort to be developed back in the early sixties when it was little more than a sleepy village, still today the town reflects its heritage with several of the original fresh fish bars located right in the shopping centre, incongruously flanked by exclusive boutiques and gift shops. In general, however, the wave of tourists who descended on the town in the fifties and sixties changed the face of Torremolinos for ever.
Over the years, Torremolinos has evolved as an attractive and appealing resort, noted for its clean sandy beaches, wide choice of hotels and restaurants and unparalleled variety of entertainment, activities and nightlife available. At the height of summer, the resort has a great appeal for the younger set, with a reputation for its hectic nightlife.
Out of season, however, it takes on a different character. Now practically a suburb of Málaga, the atmosphere is much more Spanish, especially at weekends, with an air of friendliness and welcome.